Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Another one of my article abstracts published

Interactional Analysis on the Types of Repair Sequence in Speaking Class

Novia Trisanti, M.Pd


This study attempts to depict the types of repair sequence in interaction between native/non native teacher and students in the second language speaking class at CLT (Center for Language Training) UNIKA Soegijapranata Semarang in 2003. The speaking class was chosen as the study area for the students were highly motivated and able to be active to speak English. However when the conversation progressed, their difficulty in realizing the speech function to negotiate meaning seemed to be a problem. The problem statements of the study are (1) what types of repair sequence are carried out by native teacher and students of second language speaking classroom; (2) what types of repair sequence are carried out by non-native teacher and students of second language speaking classroom; (3) how do the two different styles in one speaking classroom compare. The Analysis of the data was based on the framework of Schegloff, (1977) and Buckwalter in her journal (2001). Concerning the types of repair sequence, there are four types of repair sequence: SISR (Self-Initiated Self Repair); SIOR (Self-Initiated Other Repair); OISR (Other-Initiated Other Repair) and OIOR (Other-Initiated Other Repair). The first result showed that the OISR repair sequence type in native teacher’s speaking class most commonly occurred i.e. 43 occurrences (42.57%) in which lexicon and pronunciation were the highest of all. The second findings showed that SIOR repair sequence type in non-native teacher speaking class occurred most in conversation. It was 24 occurrences (66.66%) and 50% of which were ambiguous.

Keywords: SISR (Self-Initiated Self Repair), SIOR (Self-Initiated Other Repair), OISR (Other-Initiated Self Repair), OIOR (Other-Initiated Other Repair).

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