Sabtu, 03 April 2010

My Article Abstract about Speaking Class

Corrective Feedback: How to Best Point Out Student's Error in Speaking Class

By: Novia Trisanti, S.Pd, M.Pd


The objective of this paper is to try to depict corrective feedback as one of the keys to get the effect on the students' output. The speaking class was chosen in the discussion since the question of how to give feedback appears in the classroom interaction. Therefore, a model proposed by Vigil and Oller (1976) as citd by Brown (2001) which shows us about the effect of affective and cognitive feedback to the message sending process is drawn in this paper. Another overview of delivering feedback is proposed by Harmer (2008) which gives an idea about delivering feedback which we can apply in the classroom interaction. From all the overview, in delivering feedback, we need to consider the activity in the lesson, the type of error made by the students, and the students themselves as individual. In short, having many inforamtion about error treatment, now we have decision in when to treat and how to treat. However, teacher does not always to be the person who provides the treatment. Manner of treatment varies based on the input of the students, the students output, and, of course, the teacher's follow up.

1 komentar:

  1. Mam, I wanna ask something about the final assignment...

    Since we have to make two semesters (I&II),do we have to make two test items (in one paper)like your example above (we combine two semesters in one test item), or we separated in two forms of test items?

    thank you very much ;)
