Senin, 21 Juni 2010


Dear: All my students of LT 2 in 2010. Here is the information about your FINAL TEST and Final assignment. Please be well informed and don't be hesitate to ask me if you have questions!!

  • Your FINAL TEST will be on SATURDAY, 3rd of July 2010. Please look at the schedule dealing with your own Rombel punched on the door wall near pak pratik's or lecturer's office. (sorry that pak amir who has arranged the schedule not me).


  1. Design four language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) test items for SLTP, SMU and SMK all grades!
  2. The way you design the test items must be based on newest curriculum of KTSP dan Bloom's taxonomy level. Also, the sample test items that you design must refer on Brown (2004) (your handout).
  3. Please decide your own group, (hopefully that you can make your own group in fair one!), Group SLTP, Group SMU and Group SMK. After dividing into three groups then each group (e.g group SLTP) is divided again into three groups (e.g group SLTP grade VII, SLTP grade VIII, and SLTP grade IX). Is it clear??? Please don't be hesitate to ask me!!!
  4. So, after you have your own group, e.g now you are Group SLTP grade VII, you can look at the example below of how to do your assignment.
  5. Each group has one report and send it to my Gmail. (

Due date is 3rd until 5th of July 2010.

Well, do you agree if the assignment is submitted via email?? Paperless, right? However, the listening test must be recorded too, you can record your own voice. And, attach the recorded listening test via email too.

So, here is the example of doing your assignment!

Good luck.









Standar Kompetensi :

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transactional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar :

1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang.

1.2 Merespon…..etc


1. The students are able to know the way how people greet each other formally and informally

2. The students are able to understand the expression of greeting formally and informally

3. The students are able to know the way how people introduce themselves and others

4. The students are able to understand the expression of introduction.....

5. etc

Tujuan (Objectives):

  1. The test items are used to test whether students are able to recognize greeting.
  2. The test items are used to test whether students can respond to the greeting in conversation.
  3. The test items are used to test whether students are able to respond to questions of introduction in conversation

4. ………..

5. etc

Designing Listening Test Items:

Objective (1) to test whether students are able to recognize greeting. (3 – 5 items)

I. Intensive Listening :

a. Bloom’s taxonomy in category of “Knowledge” (old version), or “remembering” (revised version)

b. Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements

Phonemic pair, consonants

I. Listen to these sentences about greeting and choose the correct answer from what you have heard!

1. Test Takers hear: How is she?

Test Takers read: (a) How is she?

(b) How is he?

Phonemic pair, vowels

2. Test takers hear: She is fine.

Test takers read: (a) she is fun.

(b) she is fine.

b. Paraphrase recognition

Sentence paraphrase

3. Test takers hear: Hello, my name’s Susan. I come from America.

Test takers read: (a) Susan likes America

(b) Susan is going to America.

(c ) Susan is American.


Objective (2) To test whether students are able to respond to greeting expression in conversation.


Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Another one of my article abstracts published

Interactional Analysis on the Types of Repair Sequence in Speaking Class

Novia Trisanti, M.Pd


This study attempts to depict the types of repair sequence in interaction between native/non native teacher and students in the second language speaking class at CLT (Center for Language Training) UNIKA Soegijapranata Semarang in 2003. The speaking class was chosen as the study area for the students were highly motivated and able to be active to speak English. However when the conversation progressed, their difficulty in realizing the speech function to negotiate meaning seemed to be a problem. The problem statements of the study are (1) what types of repair sequence are carried out by native teacher and students of second language speaking classroom; (2) what types of repair sequence are carried out by non-native teacher and students of second language speaking classroom; (3) how do the two different styles in one speaking classroom compare. The Analysis of the data was based on the framework of Schegloff, (1977) and Buckwalter in her journal (2001). Concerning the types of repair sequence, there are four types of repair sequence: SISR (Self-Initiated Self Repair); SIOR (Self-Initiated Other Repair); OISR (Other-Initiated Other Repair) and OIOR (Other-Initiated Other Repair). The first result showed that the OISR repair sequence type in native teacher’s speaking class most commonly occurred i.e. 43 occurrences (42.57%) in which lexicon and pronunciation were the highest of all. The second findings showed that SIOR repair sequence type in non-native teacher speaking class occurred most in conversation. It was 24 occurrences (66.66%) and 50% of which were ambiguous.

Keywords: SISR (Self-Initiated Self Repair), SIOR (Self-Initiated Other Repair), OISR (Other-Initiated Self Repair), OIOR (Other-Initiated Other Repair).

My Article Abstract about Speaking Class

Corrective Feedback: How to Best Point Out Student's Error in Speaking Class

By: Novia Trisanti, S.Pd, M.Pd


The objective of this paper is to try to depict corrective feedback as one of the keys to get the effect on the students' output. The speaking class was chosen in the discussion since the question of how to give feedback appears in the classroom interaction. Therefore, a model proposed by Vigil and Oller (1976) as citd by Brown (2001) which shows us about the effect of affective and cognitive feedback to the message sending process is drawn in this paper. Another overview of delivering feedback is proposed by Harmer (2008) which gives an idea about delivering feedback which we can apply in the classroom interaction. From all the overview, in delivering feedback, we need to consider the activity in the lesson, the type of error made by the students, and the students themselves as individual. In short, having many inforamtion about error treatment, now we have decision in when to treat and how to treat. However, teacher does not always to be the person who provides the treatment. Manner of treatment varies based on the input of the students, the students output, and, of course, the teacher's follow up.