Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Information of LTA assignments

Assignments of Language Test Administration Class (PLEASE READ!)

Dear my students of LTA class (107, 109, 503, and 507)

Since we are going to meet the study week (about the end of June 2012), I would like to inform you some assignments that are very important for you to practice to achieve our objectives of LTA class.
The followings are explanation and information of assignments (Analysing test items and Designing test items):

1. In groups of 3, analyze the classroom test of multiple choice items made by teachers (could be summative tests of UTS or UAS for secondary school students of SMP, MTs, SMA or MAN). In analysing the test, you should consider the questions mentioned in chapter 3 of Brown's (2004). Those questions are:
  1. What is the purpose of the test? (consider whether it is achievement test?, proficiency test?, placement test, or .....?)
  2. What are the objectives of the test? (consider what language ability to be assessed):
    • Assessing clear, unambigious objectives for the items. Analyse whether each item has met the objectives from the existing curriculum (KTSP). You can check its basic competence and competence standard, also the indicator.
     3. How well test specification reflects both purpose and objectives?

    •  Drawing up test specification. Consider what skills are to be tested? and what items look like (test items types) ? Give opinion!
     4.How will the test task be selected and the separate items arranged?
    • Give opinion by considering some factors:
      • Are the instructions clear?
      • Is there an example of doing the test?
      • Does each item item measure specific objective?
      • Is each item stated in clear and simple language?
      • Does each multiple choice have clear distractor?
      • Is the difficulty of each item appropriate for each student?
      • Is the language of each item sufficiently authentic?
      5. What kind of scoring, grading or feedback is expected?
    • Analyse and give opinion of how do you think the teachers give score and grading (if there is any grading for the students' result).
After you analyse based on those questions, you should also analyse its multiple choice items. Consider the followings:
  1. Item Facility (IF)
  2. Item Discrimination (ID)
  3. Distractor Eficiency (DE) 
Please see me if you want to see the example of the previous assignment made by last semester students! 

2.  This is the final assignment but not your final test. The procedures are: First, make three groups of different grades, Group Junior High School (SMP), Group Senior High School (SMA) and Group Vocational School (SMK). Second, each group is divided again into three groups, they are Group SMP grade 7, Group SMP grade 8, Group SMP grade 9, Group SMA grade 10, Group SMA grade 11, Group SMA grade 12, Group SMK (for group of SMK, you can decide to divide three groups based on the majority, for example, electricity class, accounting class, and Cooking class, or your own preference depends on the subject majority you concern on). Then, after you divide the groups, you can start designing the assessment for English by considering to the existing curriculum (KTSP SMP, SMA and SMK). Look at SK (Standar Kompetensi) and KD (Kompetensi Dasar) for each grade. You can choose what semester you will design the assessment. After that, you have to design the items of assessment based on the sample types on Brown (2004)

CLASS          : VII
Standar Kompetensi :
Memahami makna dalam percakapan transactional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi Dasar :
1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang.
1.2 Merespon…..etc
1. The students are able to know the way how people greet each other formally and informally
2. The students are able to understand the expression of greeting formally and informally
3. The students are able to know the way how people introduce themselves and others
4. The students are able to understand the expression of introduction.....
5. etc
Tujuan (Objectives):
  1. The test items are used to test whether students are able to recognize greeting.
  2. The test items are used to test whether students can respond to the greeting in conversation.
  3. The test items are used to test whether students are able to respond to questions of introduction in conversation
4. ………..
5. etc
Designing Listening Test Items:
Objective (1) to test whether students are able to recognize greeting. (3 – 5 items)
I. Intensive Listening :
a. Bloom’s taxonomy in category of “Knowledge” (old version), or “remembering” (revised version)

b. Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements
Phonemic pair, consonants
I. Listen to these sentences about greeting and choose the correct answer from what you have heard!
1. Test Takers hear: How is she?
Test Takers read: 
 (a) How is she?
 (b) How is he?
Phonemic pair, vowels
2. Test takers hear: She is fine.
    Test takers read:
     (a) she is fun.
     (b) she is fine.

                c. Paraphrase recognition

Sentence paraphrase
3. Test takers hear: Hello, my name’s Susan. I come from America.
Test takers read: (a) Susan likes America
(b) Susan is going to America.
(c ) Susan is American.
Objective (2) To test whether students are able to respond to greeting expression in conversation.

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