Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Principles on Language Testing Class on Thursday at 13.00, at 15.00 and at 17.00

Discussion topic :
Characteristics of a Good Test and Preparing the Classroom Test

Dear my students,

Please comprehend and think critically about three qualities of all good tests: Validity, reliability and practicality.
Each of you has to write on my blog dealing with your understanding of the definition of validity, reliability and practicality. I will give you feedback after all. Start right now or today!!!
I will wait for your critical comment on that topic.

1. Mention your name, your class or rombel (write the time of your class), then write your critical comment or definition about each of the characteristics.

Then, after you give your critical understanding about the characteristic of a Good Test, I would like to know about your comprehending on the preparing the classroom test. The same task as in the previous topic, I want you to write on my blog about your understanding of how teachers, especially classroom language teachers, establish an efficient testing program, such as preparing the course objective using long range goals or short range performance objectives, etc.

2. Mention your name, your class or rombel, then write your critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program.

Hope you are fine and do the task well

Thank you

Your lecturer

Novia Trisanti

114 komentar:

  1. Rezha Miftahur Razaq (2201409078)
    Thursday, 07-08

    Principal of Language Testing

    1. Mention your name, your class or rombel (write the time of your class), then write your critical comment or definition about each of the characteristics.

    There are 3 characteristics of good test. Validity, Reliability and Practicality. A good test should contain all of those characteristics and whether one of them missed, the test will be not as good as it should be. Validity means the test must have a valid answer, means that it’s not good if a teacher gives a question which has more of one answer, cause it will confuse the student. Reliability means that the question given in the test is constant during a long period of time. The last characteristic is Practicality. The mean of this last characteristic is the test should be constructed in a logical way. The test maker should make the test according to the capability of the test infrastructures. It means that the test should also consider about economy factor, ease of administration and scoring and the last is the ease of Interpretation.

    2. Mention your name, your class or rombel, then write your critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program.

    About the preparation in making good and efficient testing program, a teacher should consider about these things:
    1. The goal of the test
    2. The student’s capability
    3. Planning the scoring system
    It’s so important for a teacher to keep those things in mind before making a test. Different goal of the test should be tested in the different way too. A fast learner should be treated differently than when a teacher faces slow learners. And the important thing is how the test is served. It’s needed a serious consideration whether the teacher wants to give the test in the multiple choice format, fill-in-blank format or any other kind of test form.

  2. Rega Detapratiwi

    1. Critical comment or definition of:
    • Validity: a test is considered as a valid test if the test measures what it is suppose to measure, and this is the relevance of an examination.
    • Reliability: a test is considered as reliable if the test is taken again by the same students with the constant score average.
    • Practically: the test can be used several time, for instance a test about one material can be used again for students in the same semester the next year.

    NIM : 2201409095

    VALIDITY : Degree to which a test procedure accurately measures what it was designed to measure
    RELIABILITY : Degree to which an experiment or evaluation procedure gives consistent results each time it is employed
    PRACTICALITY : the test can be used several time
    If a test is unreliable, it cannot be valid. For a test to be valid, it must reliable. However, just because a test is reliable does not mean it will be valid. Reliability is a necessary but not sufficient condition for validity.

  4. Rega Detapratiwi

    2. Critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program:
    The teacher must define about the course objectives, construct the test according to the syllabus, make a plan of scoring for the result of the students’ test, and decide what kind of test type she or he will give to the students (multiple-choice, card format, etc).

    NIM : 2201409095

    To establish an efficient testing program, there are some techniques that can be used. they are:
    1. As early as possible in a report period, decide when and how often to give tests and other assignments that will count toward a grade, and announce tests and assignments well in advance.
    2. Prepare a content outline and/or a table of specifications of the objectives to be covered on each exam, or otherwise take care to obtain a systematic sample of the knowledge and skill acquired by your students.
    3. Consider the purpose of each test or measurement exercise in light of the developmental characteristics of the students in your classes and the nature of the curriculum for your grade level.
    4. Decide whether a written test or a performance test is most appropriate.
    5. Make up and use a detailed answer key.
    a. Evaluate each answer by comparing it to the key.
    b. Be willing and prepared to defend the evaluations you make.
    6. During and after the grading process, analyze questions and answers in order to improve future exams.

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  10. 1. Dafi Khusnita, rombel 2 (thursday 13.00)

    Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. This means that if a test is designed to measure examinees’ language ability, it should measure their language ability and nothing else. Otherwise, it will not be a valid test for the purposes intended.

    Reliability is the extent to which a test produces consistent scores at different administrations to the same or similar group of examinees. If a test produced exactly the same scores at different administrations to the same group, that test would be perfectly reliable.

    Practicality refers to facilities available to test developers regarding both administration and scoring procedures of a test.

  11. Laila Z.A
    NIM: 2201409065
    (Rombel:2 407-408)
    1. Validity: the ability of a test to measure what it has to be measured. for example if the teacher wants to measure the students' ability in speaking then s/he has to give them items which are concerned with the material/curriculum.
    Reliability: the consistency of a test and score. a reliable measure is measuring something consistently.it means that a teacher should measure the score to consistently.
    Practicality: when designing a test, the test should be practicality or applicable. it considered the economy side, the administration and scoring side and it should be up to date.

    2. A teacher should make a test which is concerned with the curriculum. it has to consider about the money that s/he needs to make a test, it can be administrated, the score must be scored objectively, and has to be up to date.

  12. NUR HASANAH/2201409067
    ROMBEL: 407-408

    1. Any test that teachers should use must be appropriate, it should have 3 characteristics. Those are validity, reliability, and practically.
    a) Validity; a test can be called a good test in relation with validity is if the test can measure what it is supposed to measure, so from the test, the teacher gets what his/her purpose.
    b) Reliability; a test can be called good test if it is taken twice from the same student and same circumstances, and the result of the test is should be measured consistently between the first and the second.
    c) Practically: a test can be used several times, but in using it the teacher should take consideration.
    2. Critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish the efficient testing program.
    The teachers should prepare courses objectives first before constructing the test. The test is based on the syllabus. After that, teacher makes a scoring system and then makes the answer sheet.

  13. Thanks for some comments, I am still waiting for others today.
    @ Rezza M Razaq: What do you mean by "in validity" a question should have more of one question??
    @Rega: you wrote so many comments which I don't know are those your own, but I hope you can understand then.
    @ krista widya: I also hope you can have more definition of your own.
    @ Dafi: Yes, I agree with your sentences, but I hope you can have your own definition after you read the handout.
    Btw, I'll give last comment later if all the students in LT class at 13.00 already give comments.

  14. Akhirnya bisa koment .. Alhamdulillah.. :-)

  15. i'm sorry ma'am, my server is not too good, i thought my post didn't published so i tried several time, but the content are same.

  16. 2. Dafi Khusnita, rombel 2 (thursday 13.00)
    The teacher should clearly envision the course objectives including determine the long-range goals and short-range performance objectives. By this, he or she will be sure that the teaching will be rationally oriented and that the test will indicate how close each student has come to attaining the objectives.
    Then he or she should be able to construct the test, including:
    1. Setting the test sequence
    2. Outlining the course content
    3. Writing the items
    4. Planning the scoring system

  17. apriliana wakhidah rombel 2 (407-408)
    Validity : the extent of correctness. As a teacher we have to have a right answer for the test and how to measure it.
    Reliabilty : the stability of the test scores. Whenever and however, the test must be consistent.
    Practicality : the test can be used several time

  18. Name: Riska Nadzifa
    NIM: 2201409090
    Rombel: Thursday, 07-08

    1.Definition of three qualities of a good test
    a.Reliability is meant the stability of test scores. A test can not measure anything well unless it measures consistently.
    b.Validity is the area on which many of the testing controversies have centered: objective test criticized for their failure to measure this or that aspect of a subject.
    c.Practicality is meant a test maybe a highly reliable and valid instrument but still be beyond our means or facilities. Thus in the preparation of a new test or the adoption of an existing one, we must keep in mind a number of very practical considerations.

    2.My critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program is the teachers should use the short range performance objectives , because performance objectives are precise description of what students should be able to do as a result of a particular sequence of instruction. I think it will be more effective if the teachers use this one to establish an efficient testing program.

  19. Sonta Jayanti N. (2201409005)

    1. Characteristics of a good test
    a. Reliability
    Reliability means the stability of the test. Teachers must be consistent with which the performance are evaluated. Being reliable according to my comprehension is being honest and firm in giving score. The reliability on the test will be perfect in multiple choice tests, but it will difficult to be reliable in free response tests.
    b. Validity
    Validity means that the test that will be given to the students must be appropriate with what aspect the teacher want to test about. For example the teacher wants to know about students’ ability in writing, so teacher must give an appropriate test about writing that can show students’ ability in writing.
    c. Practicality
    Practicality of the test means that before making the test, we should consider the economic aspects so the test can be effective and eficient. For example the books that used in a test should be economical, not too expensive, or maybe can be used again later. Or in using data, we should consider the source of it, whether it is easy to find or not.
    Although the test must be practical, but hopefully teachers always keep the high quality of the test.
    2. Establishing the efficient testing program
    First of all, teachers must know the course objectives, because it will indicate how close each student has come to attaining the objectives.
    It includes seeing; long range goals, short range performance objectives, classification of language goals and objectives, the teacher must matching goals and item types, and last selecting unit objectives.
    Then, in constructing the efficient test, teacher must do these steps:
    a. Setting the test sequence(indicating the day for term, mid term test, unit test, and quizzes)
    b. Outlining the course content
    c. Writing the items
    d. Planning the scoring system
    e. Constructing test in multi section course

  20. Rita Noviya
    Rombel 2 (407-408)

    1.Validity, reliability, and practicality are the important characteristics of a good test.
    •Reliability is the stability or consistency of test scores. A test which is consistent will be able to measure the understanding of the students.
    •Validity means the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. Validity is the most important characteristic. If it is not valid, even the test is reliable, it is not worth much. Validity is related to the content and form of the test.
    •Practicality or usability refers to facilities available to test. There are number of very practical considerations in the preparation a test. Those are economy, ease of administration and scoring, and ease of interpretation.
    2.In establishing an efficient testing program, there are several things that the teacher should consider. Firstly, the teacher should clearly define the course objectives. So that the teacher will be sure that the teaching wll be rationally oriented and that the test indicate how each student attains the objectives. Second, the teacher should understand how to construct the test according to the syllabus. Then the teacher also should think about how he will asses the test and he also should think about what kind of type of test will be used.

  21. apriliana wakhidah rombel 2 (407-408)
    Validity : the extent of correctness. As a teacher we have to have a right answer for the test and how to measure it.
    Reliabilty : the stability of the test scores. Whenever and however, the test must be consistent.
    Practicality : the test can be used several time

    to establish an efficient testing program, as a teacher we have to claerly envision the course objectives, constructing the test that consists of translating general statements into specific test and quizzes, and then planning the scoring system.

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  25. Dian Paramita . A
    NIM : 2201409074
    rombel 407-408

    1. Reliability, validity, and practicality are the essential qualities of a good test. in providing a test, teacher can't neglect the reliability or the stability of test scores. A test can’t measure well if it isn’t consistent. Teacher also has to include validity or the relevance of the test which is the most important aspect of the test. And the last, practicality is also important especially from the economical side.
    2. in preparing the test, teacher should determine the course objective first. It’s including long-range and short-range goals. after that, teacher can construct the test, setting the test, outlining the course content, writing the items, planning the scoring system, and make test construction in multisection courses.

  26. kok punyaku ilang.......T.T

  27. Durratus Sa'diyah (409-410)
     Reliability is the stability or consistency of test scores. A good test is a consistent one.it will be able to measure the material’s understanding of the students.
     Validity means the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. A test with high validity has items closely with the test’s focus. The poor one does not measure the competence and the content should do.
     Practicality or usability refers to facilities available to test.is it the test easy to construct, administer, score and interpret?
    2 .In establishing an efficient testing program, there are several things that the teacher should consider. Firstly, the teacher should clearly define the course objectives. So that the teacher will be sure that the teaching will be rationally oriented . Second, the teacher should understand how to construct the test according to the syllabus. Then the teacher also should think about how he will score the test and he also should think about what kind of type of test will be used in evaluation.

  28. Dimas Wahyu R (2201409124)
    Thursday, 09-10

    Principal of Language Testing

    1. There are 3 characteristics of good test. Validity, Reliability and Practicality. Validity means the test must have a valid answer, means that it’s not good if a teacher gives a question which has more of one answer, cause it will confuse the student. Reliability means that the question given in the test is constant during a long period of time. And practicality means of this last characteristic is the test should be constructed in a logical way.

    2. About the preparation in making good and efficient testing program, a teacher should consider about these things:
    1. Goals
    2. Objects
    3. Materials
    4. Scoring system

  29. Putri Damayanti
    407 – 408

    1. Reliability is the consistency of measurement. It means that a reliable test must be consistent in any different testing situation.
    Validity deals with the exact point of the test. I mean a test measures what it supposed to measure. So the score test given can be used as the indicator of what is tested.
    Practicality is the effective and efficient value of a test. Both of the testing and scoring process are easy. So, it can be used not only for once but more.

    2. To establish an efficient testing program, a teacher should consider to the competence standard and basic competence that want to be reached. In giving test, teacher sould smartly choose the best technique and instrument to use. Then the teacher must include all of the characteristics of a good test. Teacher also has to consider about his students’ capability in comprehending the materials. So, the result won’t go anywhere from what is expected.

  30. kartika yanuarrisqi (201409076)
    rombel 2(407-408)

    1. reliability is the stability or consistency of the test scores. validity is a test that measures knowledge of the content domain of which it was designed to measure knowledge. practicality is the economical of the test and it can be used for several times.

    2. First of all, the teacher should define the course objectives clearly (included long-range goals and short-range goals), construct the test into specific tests n quizzes based on specific syllabus, and planning the scoring system.


    1. Three Qualities of Good Test
    Reliability refers purely and simply to the precision with which the test measures, no matter how high the reliability quotient, it is by no means a guarantee that the test measures what the test user wants to measure.
    In choosing a test, we cannot simply accept the title which the authors have given it, for titles very often are misleading or inaccurate. The test maker has an obligation always to keep face validity in mind, though sound methods of test construction should never be compromised merely to satisfy public opinion.
    Practicality has three considerations. They are economy, ease of administration, and ease of interpretation consideration. Practicality itself is meant that the test can be used several times.

    2. The teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program by using short-range performance objectives. It consists of two types of performance objectives, formal objectives and open-ended objectives. Both objectives are stated purpose, student behavior, and conditions. Based on example in the handout, the formal performance objectives refer to use written test, but the open-ended use listening skills. That’s why I think this will be more effective if the teachers use it.

  32. punyaku dan punya ana hilang juga..

  33. 1. Novi Setiowati_2201409126 ( PoLT 407-408 )

    There are 3 qualities of a good test. They are
    validity, reliability, and practicality. those mean the test must be appropriate in terms of our objectives, dependable in the evidence it provides, and applicable to our particular situation. as far as I know, reliability itself means the test must have stability of the test itself and the score. If there are differences between two scoring test it shouldn't be big differences.

    Then, validity means the test should be based upon a careful analysis of the skill or an outline of the course. the test should measure the skill or understanding of the students toward the subject that is tested.

    The last, practicality means the test should be able to be practiced. So, in preparing test we should consider some very practical consideration such as economical consideration, ease of administration and scoring and ease of interpretation.

    2. in establishing an efficient testing program the teacher should, first, determining course objectives. The objectives are devided into 2. they are long range goals and short range goals. long range goals help define the nature of the second language program. while, short range performance objectives give descriptions of what students should be able to do as the result of a particular sequence of instruction. after that, the teacher should classify the language goals and objectives. After that the teacher constructing the test by outlining the course content, writing the items, and the last one, planning scoring system.

  34. Bagi yang postingnya hilang. Bisa dicoba lagi...I will be waiting until tonight. Thank you.

  35. Wilda Shofaa Rahmawati (2201409081)
    Thursday, 7-8
    1. Characteristic of a good test.
    A good test should have 3 characteristic: reliability, validity, and practicality. If one of this characters misses, a test can’t be consider as a good test. Reliability is the stability of test score. A test can measure the student’s ability correctly if it measures consistently. For example, the test should give the same result although it is given in different days. Test reliability is affected by a number of factors. The more sample of student’s performance we take, the more reliable will be our assignment of their knowledge and ability. Test reliability may be estimated in a number of ways such as Retest the same individuals with the same test, Using alternate or parallel forms, Split-half, and Rational equivalence. Validity is Validity is the effectiveness of the test in measuring the students’ ability. There are two kinds of validity: Content Validity and Empirical Validity. Content validity measures the students’ mastery of the content. While empirical validity is the correlation between test scores and a trustworthy external criterion. Empirical validity depends in large part on the reliability of both test and criterion measure. Practicality means a test can be done. Beside of reliable and valid, the test must still beyond our means or facilities and not too expensive.
    2. Preparing the classroom test.
    In preparing classroom test, the teacher should first define the Course Objectives or have clear objectives. The long-range goal of most language program is to enable the students to use the new language for communication. While the short-range performance objectives are the student should be able to do something as the result of the learning activity. Second step is Constructing the Test. Once the objectives of the course have been determined, the general parameters of the testing program become evident. Test construction consists of translating these general statements into specific test and quizzes. The last step is the teacher should evaluate the test to measure the effectiveness of the test.

  36. how if i send it to your email ma'am?im afraid my post will disappear again..

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  39. Maulina Adzkiyah (2201409033) PLT Rombel 03 (409-410)
    1. A. Reliability means that a test score must be stable. A test cannot be measure anything well unless it measures consistently.
    B. Validity means that the test that will be given to the students must be appropriate with what aspect the teacher want to test about. When a test is said to be valid, it means that the items of the test represent the material which had given by the teacher before. For example the teacher wants to know about students’ ability in speaking, so teacher must give an appropriate test about speaking that can show students’ ability in speaking.
    C. Practicality means that the test can be used several times. It means that a form of test can be used not only now but also later in the other time, but it must have any consideration with some aspects, for example the material given in different time and the book or sources used in the study of a subject, so that the test can be effective and efficient.

    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program?
    According to me, before construct a test for the student, the teacher should have some preparation. It can be by answering these questions below:
    a. What is the goal of the test? It means that the teacher should have at least one purpose why he or she would construct a test to his/her student.
    b. What kind of test is appropriate to be used? It means there should be a consideration before the teacher decide to make any kind of test, whether it will be multiple-choice test or oral test or etc.
    c. How about the students’ ability? It means that the teacher should know the ability of each student of him/hers from the best one to the poor one so that he/she can construct any items of the test (the question) based on the ability of the student. The teacher should avoid making a kind of test that cannot be done by the student because it is out of the students’ ability.
    d. How will the test be scored? It means that the teacher has to have a planning in scoring system, so that the test can be scored well by the system.

  40. Some of the comments are in the spam. Don't worry I have checked the spam. Btw, for all students, don't write the instruction. Just give comments on some terms.Thanks

  41. mam..i've sent my comment but it was disappeared :(

    ROMBEL : 409-410

    Principles of Language Testing

    Characteristic of good test
    1. Reliability : the stability of the test scores. the measurements must be consistent otherwise a test cannot measure anything well
    2. Validity : in measuring the test score, the answer must have a relation with the material. the answer must be valid and acceptable as a teacher we should limit our consideration to just a few of the most common kinds
    3. Practically : in constructing the test the teacher should consider about these aspects, economy, ease of scoring and administration, and also ease of interpretation. The simplest one is the test can be use several time

    To establish the efficient of testing program the teacher should :
    a. Know the outline of the course (the goal of the course)
    b. Know the student ability
    c. Know how to construct the test
    d. Know to make scoring system

  43. Pindho Anjayani

    1.Validity means that the device for measuring the result of the test can be used to measure all of the aspects from the material. In the other words, the content of the test represents the material which has been given.

    Reliability means that the result of the test will be the same, even though the test is used by different circumstances for many times. In the other words there is a consistency of the result.

    Practicality means that there are considerations in the test implementation. The test should not too long and too short. The next consideration is there is no ambiguity, difficult instruction or words for the students. The teacher also should think whether the test item needs much money or not. Another consideration is whether the test should be measured subjectively or objectively.

    2.To establish an efficient test, the teacher should decide the course objectives. So that the teacher will make the test items based on the goal should be achieved. The teacher also should consider how many chapter of the material should be covered. The next step is the teacher makes the outline of the course content. After that, the teacher should decide the scoring system and the answer key of the test. And then the teacher writes the test item and checks the errors.

    POLT, 409-410

    Characteristics of a good test :
    Validity is a measure of an answer that can be used as the basis of the student answers correctly or not. To find the validity, the teacher must have an answer that he believe it is right. Reliability is a consistency of test results when the test had been done many times in different times by the same or different students. Practically means that a test should be made with a practical consideration so that it can be used for several times.

    What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program :
    1. Decide the goal or the reason of giving the test
    2. Decide what is assessed from the test, so the teacher should know student’s ability
    3. Specify the development of each object in the test
    4. Think about the number and types of the question because it affects time needed to complete the test

  45. Uca dahniar ardiantin (2201409102)
    Thursday, 407-408
    1. -Reliability is the stability of test scores. A test can not measure anything well unless it measures consistently. It becomes important when the test are of the free response types.
    -Validity is degree to which a test procedure accurately measures what it was designed to measure.
    -Practicality is meant that a test may be a highly reliable and valid instrument, but still be beyond our means or facilities. The test can be used several time.
    2. Before setting out to teach a course, the teacher should clearly envision the course objectives. I think the teachers should use the short range performance objectives. Because performance objectives are precise descriptions of what students should be able to do as the result of a particular sequence of instruction.

  46. Ana Setiyaningsih
    Study group 2, Thursday 1. P.M (407-408)

    1.Reliability means that the stability of test scoring (consistently measures). Validity means that the extent to which a test measures what is supposed to measures. And practically means that the test is economic when it is used and it’s also easy to be measured.

    2.To establish an efficient testing program, the teacher should do:
    1.Make a setting test sequence
    2.Make outlining the course content
    3.Writing the items of the tests
    4.Planning the scoring system of the test.

  47. Rani Candrakirana P

    ANSWER :

    1. Three characteristics of a good test :
    a.Reliability means the stability of test scores. A test can not measure anything well unless it measures consistently. Reliability concerns with the stability or consistency of the test performance evaluating.

    b.Validity means the test should have an accurate answer and can be evaluated easily, the test should have the relation with the material given in teaching learning activities.

    c.Practicality is meant a test maybe a highly reliable and valid instrument but still be beyond our means or facilities. in constructing the test the teacher should pay attention in these aspects : economy, ease of scoring and administration, and also ease of interpretation. the test can be use several time.

    2. the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program :
    a. understand the course objectives.
    b. know the student ability.
    c. construct the test based on specific syllabus/materials given.
    d. planning the scoring system.

  48. Ma'am, kalu postingannya hilang terus bagaimana?

    ROMBEL: 407-408

    1. Reliability: a test cannot measure anything unless it measures consistently. Also, to measure a test, there are several factors of estimates of reliability like retest, parallel form, etc.
    Validity: we can feel relieve in assuming that the test is valid for the students if there is sufficient evidence that test scores depend on the ability in the skills area being tested.
    Practicality: there are a number of very practical considerations in the preparation of a new test.

    2. 2. They are course objectives, constructing the test, the multiple-choice answer sheet, and the item file.

  50. Ika Kurniawati K. / Rombel 03 (Thursday, 409-410)

    Principles on Language Testing
    1. There are three qualities of a good test, that are, reliability, validity and practicality.
    - Reliability means the test scores must be stabil or consistent. It is dependable in the evidence it provides. So, the test scores as standards must be made so that the tests can measure anything well.
    - Validity means the tests given must be appropriate to the materials that the teacher gives as in his objective in giving the materials. In other words, the answer of the test should be able to be resposible for its truth.
    - Practicality means the test can be used several time. When the teacher will construct a test, he can make a new one by considering the previous test. So, the model of test made has to be able to become references in facilitating distribution, scoring and interpretating the next test and approriate to a particular situation.

    2. In establishing an efficient testing program the teacher should firstly preparing the course objectives. By this, he can construct the material systematically as the compentence of the students that will be achieved. Secondly the teacher construts the test by considering the steps of constructing the test, such as setting the test sequence (making schedule when the tests will be given), outlining the course content (including vocabulary items and grammatical structure in the shape of listing), writing the items (the test written a few days so that the teacher can check again before administered, alternative forms of the test also need to be prepared), and planning the scoring system (the teacher must make the scoring system of each test to facilitate him in assessing the test). I think if the teacher does those steps, an efficient testing program can be manifested.

  51. Name : Atika Dian Pratiwi
    NIM : 2201409110
    Rombel : 409-410

    1. Validity : Validity is the correlation between the test scores and the prediction of the test before. Validity should be the result of somebody research that demonstrates the relationship between the test and the behavior it is intended to measure.
    Reliability : Reliability is the consistency of the measures. The result of the tests should be the same time to time.
    Practicality : Practicality in the test refers to the coherency of the test. If it is too long or too short. If it is easy or difficult for the grade.
    2. Teacher should have that three characteristics ( validity, reliability, practicality ) to establish the tests. By including that three characteristics in the test the test could be represent the ability of the object so the teacher could give the remedial to improve the students ability. The teacher also should determine the goals of the test and the suitability between the test and the syllabus.

  52. Monika Puspita Rani

    1. Principles of the good test
    Validity means a test should measure what should be measured. it means that a good test measure the mastery of the specific skills. The test is upon a careful analysis of the skill or an outline of the course.
    Reliability means the stability of a test score. When a test is given to different students in the different time but in the same condition the scores are stable, there are no significant differences for the scores.
    Practicality means that when we make a test we should think the economical one. Economy in money and economy in time.

    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program.
    1. Firstly, plan how many times the teacher will give the test in a period of study.
    2. Every test should have been considered the purposes are appropriate to each level and it is to develop students’ skill.
    3. The teacher should decide what is the most appropriate kind of test would be given.

  53. Name : Retno Wulan
    NIM : 2201409115
    Rombel : 411-412

    1. Critical comment or definition about each of the characteristics:
    a. Validity refers to describe properties of tests and measurements. How far the test’s going and the accuracy of the score measurements. The result must fill all the requirements of scientific research method.
    b. Reliability is a consistency in measuring the students’ score. If the score has increased then the score will not far from the previous score.
    c. Practically means that the tests should do effectively and efficient. It must be economical and can be used several times.
    2. My critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program is by observing students’ knowledge and skills. Then, making judgment of student’s learning capability. After all, the teacher can give student exam, homework exercise, papers and oral presentation.

  54. Nama : Ade Irna Yulianti
    NIM : 2201409061
    Rombel : Thursday, 7-8
    1.The Characteristics of a Good Test
    •Reliability means the stability of the test score. A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost constant, taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.
    •Validity: A test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure.
    •Practically means the test can be used several times.

    2.To establish the efficient testing program, teacher should do:
    •Define the clear course objectives
    •Constructing the test
    •And making the scoring system
    All the things above are very important for the teacher in making a good test.

  55. supriyono
    PLT ROMBEL 3 (411-412)

    characters of good test

    1. validity : it's measures the accuracy of material that is used by teacher.

    2. reliability : the way to score the test should be stable.

    3. practically : it is the effective and efficient value of a test.it;s used not only for present but also for the future.

    to establish the efficient of testing program teachers have to do this several actions :
    1. give the outlines.
    2. Decide the appropriate test to be used according to their students ability.
    3. do the scoring test.

    Thursday, 411-412
    1. Mention your name, your class or rombel (write the time of your class), then write your critical comment or definition about each of the characteristics.
    Validity refers to whether or not a test measures what it intends to measure. A test with high validity has items closely linked to the test’s intended focus. A test with poor validity does not measure the content and competencies it ought to. For me validity has to do with the information that the uses in class, it that has to be appropriate for the student’s level, the purpose of the class, and if the meaning of the materials used in class are for the students.
    Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure shows the same result on repeated trials. Reliability has to do more if we really can trust a test to assess student{s knowledge, if the test is at the student level, and if we can only this tool to grade our students.
    Practicality in a test refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.
    2. Mention your name, your class or rombel, then write your critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program.

    About the preparation in making good and efficient testing program, a teacher should consider about these things:
    1. The course and the goal of the test, the purpose of each test or measurement exercise in light of the developmental characteristics of the students in your classes and the nature of the curriculum for your grade level.
    2. The student’s ability, the student ability is very important to be understood by the teacher. If, the teacher makes a test without knowing about his/her student’s ability, the test will be much difficult or easier to the student to solve and the score will be invalid.
    3. Planning the scoring system, teacher should decide whether she/he would use a written test or a performance test is most appropriate. Because every course has its own standardize, the inappropriate test can ruin the scoring system.


    1. Validity : The ability of a test to measure what is purports to measure.we have to analyze each portion of test question which is made. In the aspect of the content, validity is used to make the content of the test more specific and objectives. I mean how the content universe will be sampled. In the point of empirical, it considered on how effective the test to determine, how test scores are related to some independent. In this case, predictive validity tell us How well predictions made by a test are confirmed by later behavior of subjects.beside thatconcurrent validity more elaborate whether test score are correlated with subsequent measure of leveling the test.
    Reability : Consistently, concern on the stability of the test scores. or the ability of the test to obtain the same score from the same student at different administrations (given the same conditions).
    Practicallity: concern on how a test can be relliable and valid based on economy, on ease of administration and scoring, and on ease of interpretation.

    2. The teacher should establish between the aspect of the material testing, kind of the test, and the students who will do the test. Moreover, they also have to think about how objective the test that they prepare, like how effective it is, is it still in the limitation of the material aspect, and how far the progress of the students in comprehending the material from the last test.

  58. Name : Desiana Nur Rachmawati
    NIM : 2201409023
    Rombel: Thursday, 409-410

    1. Definition or critical comment about the characteristics of a good test:
    a. Test validity is an indicator of how much meaning can be placed upon a set of test results. It incorporates a number of different validity types, including criterion validity, content validity and construct validity. If a research project scores highly in these areas, then the overall test validity is high.
    b. Reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or of a measuring instrument, often used to describe a test. Reliability has to do more if we really can trust a test to assess student{s knowledge, if the test is at the student level, and if we can only this tool to grade our students.
    c. Practicality in a test refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.

    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program is by:
    1. The teacher should clearly envision the course objective.
    2. constructing the test into specific and quizzes.
    3. evaluate the test by prepare the scoring system.
    4. make a test-item file.

  59. Name : Rio Luhung Pribadi
    NIM : 2201409116
    ROMBEL : POLT, 409-410

    1. Characteristics of a good test


    For me validity has to do with the information that the uses in class, it that has to be appropriate for the student’s level, the purpose of the class, and if the meaning of the materials used in class are for the students.


    Reliability has to do more if we really can trust a test to assess student{s knowledge, if the test is at the student level, and if we can only this tool to grade our students.


    Practicality in a test refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.

    2. What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program :

    a. objective of yhe course
    b. student's capability
    c. time needed

  60. Annisa Ratna P.
    Thursday, 409-410

    1.Harris stated that there are three qualities of a good test, validity, reliablity, and practicality. The most important characteristic of a good test is validity. It means a test should measure precisely what object is being tested. If a test is not valid, even a reliable test can be not worth much.

    The second is reliability. A test as the measuring instrument can be trusted or relied on if the test measures stably and gives the consistent result. If a test produces almost constant scores at different circumstances to the same group, that test would be perfectly reliable.

    The last element is practicality or usability. An evaluation procedure must meet some practical requirements. Practicality refers to the facilities which are available to test developers about both administration and scoring procedures of a test.

    Overall, any kind of test that we use must be suitable in terms of our goals, dependable in giving the valid evidences ,and applicable to our particular situation.

    2.Things that the teachers should do in establishing the efficient of testing program the teacher :

    a.Know the course objectives
    The first thing to do is teachers set up the goals. So the teachers focus on the objectives that will be reached. By setting the goals, teachers will provide a test that is appropriate with the objectives.

    b.Know the students’ ability
    Before making a test, teachers must know the students’ ability in order to teachers can evaluate the students’ comprehension without giving them too difficult test that is outside their understanding.

    c.Know how to construct the test
    After setting the objectives, teachers start to set when the test will be held (setting the test sequence), consider the course content, and write and prepare the test in a few days before the due date.

    d.Kind of test that will be used
    By knowing the students’ ability and the goals, teachers can choose what kind of test that is appropriate with the goals and can evaluate the students’understanding well.

    e.Know how to plan the scoring system
    Teachers should plan how to score the test. Scoring system must be fair and valid accordance with the test that is used. Teachers must provide in advance the correct answers.

  61. Iva Dlurrotun Nihayah
    PLT ROMBEL 3 (409-410)

    3 main characters of a good test are validity, reliability and practically.
    Here is the whole explanation of each item.

    1. validity : it's said as a valid test when it is measures what it is supposed to measure. For example when the teacher encourage himself to know about students’ ability in listening, so teacher must give an appropriate test about listening comprehension that can show students’ ability in listening and it deals with the material.

    2. reliability : reliable means the stability in giving test score. for example if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost the constant , taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.

    3. practically : Practicality of the test means that before making the test we should consider the economic aspects and the effectiveness of the test will last.so it can be used not only nowadays but also later. for me it is the effective and efficient value of a test.

    Based on my opinion What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program is making a long and effective preparation. it includes :
    1. Decide the obvious goal and the outlines.
    2. Decide the types of test to be used.
    3. observe the ability of their students in receiving their materials.
    4. Understand enough to know the way to score the test.

  62. Name : mukti suvi subarkah
    Nim : 2201409089
    Rombel : 407-408
    Characteristics of good test :
    1. Reliability is meant the stability of test scores. A test cannot measure anything well unless measures consistently.
    2. Validity : something function to extent that the analysis accords with the views recognized in the skill area and the test reflects such an analysis.
    3. Practicallity : a good test must be practically or usability (it can be used for several times), there are three, they are economy, ease of administration and scoring, and ease of interpretation.
    4. What the teacher should do to establish an efficient testing program:
    1.Make a setting test sequence
    2.Make outlining the course content
    3.Writing the items of the tests
    4.Planning the scoring system of the test.

  63. Iva Dlurrotun Nihayah
    PLT ROMBEL 3 (409-410)

    3 main characters of a good test are validity, reliability and practically.
    Here is the whole explanation of each item.

    1. validity : it's said as a valid test when it is measures what it is supposed to measure. For example when the teacher encourage himself to know about students’ ability in listening, so teacher must give an appropriate test about listening comprehension that can show students’ ability in listening and it deals with the material.

    2. reliability : reliable means the stability in giving test score. for example if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost the constant , taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.

    3. practically : Practicality of the test means that before making the test we should consider the economic aspects and the effectiveness of the test will last.so it can be used not only nowadays but also later. for me it is the effective and efficient value of a test.

    Based on my opinion What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program is making a long and effective preparation. it includes :
    1. Decide the obvious goal and the outlines.
    2. Decide the types of test to be used.
    3. observe the ability of their students in receiving their materials.
    4. Understand enough to know the way to score the test.

  64. postnya hilang terus ma'am. gimana?

  65. Iva Dlurrotun Nihayah
    PLT ROMBEL 3 (409-410)
    3 main characters of a good test are validity, reliability and practically.
    Here is the whole explanation of each item.
    1. validity : it's said as a valid test when it is measures what it is supposed to measure. For example when the teacher encourage himself to know about students’ ability in listening, so teacher must give an appropriate test about listening comprehension that can show students’ ability in listening and it deals with the material.
    2. reliability : reliable means the stability in giving test score. for example if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost the constant , taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.
    3. practically : Practicality of the test means that before making the test we should consider the economic aspects and the effectiveness of the test will last.so it can be used not only nowadays but also later. for me it is the effective and efficient value of a test.

    Based on my opinion What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program is making a long and effective preparation. it includes :
    1. Decide the obvious goal and the outlines.
    2. Decide the types of test to be used.
    3. observe the ability of their students in receiving their materials.
    4. Understand enough to know the way to score the test.

  66. supriyono
    PLT ROMBEL 3 (411-412)

    characters of good test

    1. validity : it's measures the accuracy of material that is used by teacher.

    2. reliability : the way to score the test should be stable.

    3. practically : it is the effective and efficient value of a test.it;s used not only for present but also for the future.

    to establish the efficient of testing program teachers have to do this several actions :
    1. give the outlines.
    2. Decide the appropriate test to be used according to their students ability.
    3. do the scoring test.

  67. Retno Wijayanti (2201409054), Rombel 407-408
    1. A good test must have 3 characteristics, they are Validity, reliability, and practicality.
    Reliability means a test has to have stability when the test designers determine the scores. I mean that a test designer has to consistently in giving scores. In any testing situation, the stability and consistency in determining the range of scores must be implemented by the test scorer. So Reliability test is a test that can make the designer has consistency in scoring process.
    Validity means that the materials are asked in the test are appropriate with the understanding of the student in which it is really measure the students skill based upon the careful analysis of the outline during the course. It has to have accurate answer and doesn’t make any ambiguous interpretation that let student think contingency answer.
    Practicality means test must be designed through consideration such as economical, ease of administration etc so that it can be used as guidance or reference in the next time.
    2. In establishing an efficient testing program the teacher should
    a) Determining course objectives. The objectives are divided into long range goals which help define the nature of the second language program, and short range performance objectives which give descriptions of what students should be able to do as the result of a particular sequence of instruction. Long-range goal is used to enable the students to use the new language for communication. While the short-range performance objectives are the student should be able to do something as the result of the learning activity
    b) The teacher should classify the language goals and objectives.
    c) Teacher constructing the test by outlining the course content, writing the items, and the last one, planning scoring system.

    THURSDAY, 409-410

    1. There are three characteristics of a good test, those are validity, reliability, and practically.
    Validity means that the test has a valid answer. The answer can be proven based on the fact or the data. Then reliability means that the test has the consistent answer. It doesn’t depend on anything. Last is practically, that means the test can be used for several times, and not only once.

    2. First, the teachers should envision the course objectives. Then the teachers should construct the test. It means that the teachers have to set the test sequence, outlining the course content, writing the items, and planning the scoring system¬.

  69. Name: Iga Puspitaning Siwi
    NIM: 2201409055
    Rombel: Thursday, 3 p.m.

    1. Validity refers to the extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and corresponds accurately to the real world, reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or of a measuring instrument, practicality refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.
    2. Teacher must consider about some things:
    - the test should be based on material that have been given
    - the ability of the students
    - when the test is held
    - how many times the test is held
    - type of appropriate test that is given
    - the scoring system

  70. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    THURSDAY 409-410

    1. Critical comment or definition of each characteristics
    A test is said to be likely good if it posseses the characteristics as follows:
    Reliability : the stability of test scores. A test cannot measure anything well unless it measures consistently. In other words, the teacher or the ones who conduct the test should have certain boundaries or criteria which is consistently used in the way they design the test. With these certain boundaries or criteria which is consistently used, the score in which the students achieve will be averagely constant.
    Validity : the compatibility or suitability between the content of the test and the actual ability in the skills are being tested. There should be a further analysis whether the test given is appropriate with the ability of the students or not.
    Practicality : it refers to facilities available to test developers dealing with the ease of administration and scoring, interpretation,and economical aspects.

    2. Critical comment about how the teacher should do to establish an efficient testing program
    As we have completely known, a test is said to be good if it is reliable, valid, and practical. Considering that fact, to establish an efficient test, a teacher should go through planning, preparing, reviewing and pretesting processes. Furthermore, the three characteristics as mentioned above should also be determined. By properly determining all these parameters, an efficient testing program will be definitely established.

  72. Name : Suci Kumala Sari
    NIM : 2201409008
    Rombel : 407-408

    1. The characteristics of a good test
    a. Validity
    The degree to a test measures what it claims to measure. It is very important for a test to be suitable in order for the results to be exactly applied and interpreted. The measurement must be appropriate with the skill, the ability and the levels of the students. The level of the students means the students who come from different country will have different background especially their language. If the teacher will give a test of speaking, firstly, he must be analyzes the pronouncing of each word, so he can give the appropriate score.
    b. Reliability
    The reliability of test means the measurement of evaluating the test is consistent. For example, if a test designed to measure the ability of mention the name of animal, and the test is for two class, the teacher must be consistent on giving the particular name of the animal, there is no differences between one class and the another class. The measurement must be decisive and appropriate based on the requirement which the teacher has made.
    c. Practicality
    The teacher makes the test which has some effective and efficient functions. The test must be considers the economical aspect, it means how the teacher make the type of test which it does not need many paper and money. Moreover, the test is economical test, it does not mean that the test has bad quality. The role of a good teacher needed in that case. For the point of solving this case are a good teacher must be prepare the test that has good quality, may be it can use to next period and the source of the data must be the common sources.
    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program?
    The teachers should be considers some aspect to establish an efficient testing program. The teachers can make the syllabus to be the guide for the rule and sequence of their teaching. This syllabus can arrange the time or the period of the teacher should give the students some materials or assignment, and to arrange what time the teacher should give the students a test or pretest. This syllabus can be a reference for the teacher about the materials which will they give to their student, so there is no unknown materials which left behind before the teachers give the test. This way can make the teacher know which materials that they will give on the test. After that, the teachers pay attention during their lesson to their students to know how far the students understanding the materials.

  73. Tsalits Muhammad Nugroho (2201409062)
    Thursday at 15.00
    1. In order to obtain information needed for evaluation purposes, such as students’ achievement, personality, attitudes, habits and skills, a good test should fulfill three characteristics. They are reliability, validity, and practicality.
    a) Reliability is similar with consistency. It means the degree to which test scores for an individual test taker or group of test takers are consistent over repeated tests. Therefore, it deals with adequacy, objectivity, testing condition, and test administration procedures.
    b) Validity deals with measuring what it is supposed to. A test should be conducted for a certain purpose and the items should also represent the materials that are going to test. In short, there are some important points in this characteristic, those are specific to a particular purpose, measuring what it is supposed to, how valid, and it must be inferred from evidences.
    c) Practicality concerns with the usability of the test, including ease in administration, scoring, interpretation and application, and low cost.
    These three things should be fulfilled in a test to guarantee that the test is acceptable and really measures student’s ability.
    2. To establish an efficient testing program, teacher should consider the planning, preparation, reviewing, and pretesting process. Planning and preparation includes gathering the materials, deciding type and goal of the test, and making the test items. While reviewing and pretesting are used to measure student’s current ability and decide whether some modifications on the test is needed or not. By this processes, a test may become more effective and efficient.

  74. Name : Suci Kumala Sari
    NIM : 2201409008
    Rombel : 407-408

    1. The characteristics of a good test
    a. Validity
    The degree to a test measures what it claims to measure. It is very important for a test to be suitable in order for the results to be exactly applied and interpreted. The measurement must be appropriate with the skill, the ability and the levels of the students. The level of the students means the students who come from different country will have different background especially their language. If the teacher will give a test of speaking, firstly, he must be analyzes the pronouncing of each word, so he can give the appropriate score.
    b. Reliability
    The reliability of test means the measurement of evaluating the test is consistent. For example, if a test designed to measure the ability of mention the name of animal, and the test is for two class, the teacher must be consistent on giving the particular name of the animal, there is no differences between one class and the another class. The measurement must be decisive and appropriate based on the requirement which the teacher has made.
    c. Practicality
    The teacher makes the test which has some effective and efficient functions. The test must be considers the economical aspect, it means how the teacher make the type of test which it does not need many paper and money. Moreover, the test is economical test, it does not mean that the test has bad quality. The role of a good teacher needed in that case. For the point of solving this case are a good teacher must be prepare the test that has good quality, may be it can use to next period and the source of the data must be the common sources.
    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program?
    The teachers should be considers some aspect to establish an efficient testing program. The teachers can make the syllabus to be the guide for the rule and sequence of their teaching. This syllabus can arrange the time or the period of the teacher should give the students some materials or assignment, and to arrange what time the teacher should give the students a test or pretest. This syllabus can be a reference for the teacher about the materials which will they give to their student, so there is no unknown materials which left behind before the teachers give the test. This way can make the teacher know which materials that they will give on the test. After that, the teachers pay attention during their lesson to their students to know how far the students understanding the materials.


    1. Characteristics of good test
    >> Validity means the test must have a valid answer, means that it’s not good if a teacher gives a question which has more of one answer, cause it will confuse the student.
    >> Reliability means that the question given in the test is constant during a long period of time.
    >> Practicality. The mean of this last characteristic is the test should be constructed in a logical way.
    The test maker should make the test according to the capability of the test infrastructures.

    2. What teacher should do to establish the efficient of testing program :
    1. Decide the goal and the outlines.
    2. Decide the types of test to be used.
    3. observe the ability of their students in receiving their materials.
    4. Understand enough to know the way to give score in the test.

  76. Name : Suci Kumala Sari
    NIM : 2201409008
    Rombel : 407-408

    1. The characteristics of a good test
    a. Validity
    The degree to a test measures what it claims to measure. It is very important for a test to be suitable in order for the results to be exactly applied and interpreted. The measurement must be appropriate with the skill, the ability and the levels of the students. The level of the students means the students who come from different country will have different background especially their language. If the teacher will give a test of speaking, firstly, he must be analyzes the pronouncing of each word, so he can give the appropriate score.
    b. Reliability
    The reliability of test means the measurement of evaluating the test is consistent. For example, if a test designed to measure the ability of mention the name of animal, and the test is for two class, the teacher must be consistent on giving the particular name of the animal, there is no differences between one class and the another class. The measurement must be decisive and appropriate based on the requirement which the teacher has made.
    c. Practicality
    The teacher makes the test which has some effective and efficient functions. The test must be considers the economical aspect, it means how the teacher make the type of test which it does not need many paper and money. Moreover, the test is economical test, it does not mean that the test has bad quality. The role of a good teacher needed in that case. For the point of solving this case are a good teacher must be prepare the test that has good quality, may be it can use to next period and the source of the data must be the common sources.
    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program?
    The teachers should be considers some aspect to establish an efficient testing program. The teachers can make the syllabus to be the guide for the rule and sequence of their teaching. This syllabus can arrange the time or the period of the teacher should give the students some materials or assignment, and to arrange what time the teacher should give the students a test or pretest. This syllabus can be a reference for the teacher about the materials which will they give to their student, so there is no unknown materials which left behind before the teachers give the test. This way can make the teacher know which materials that they will give on the test. After that, the teachers pay attention during their lesson to their students to know how far the students understanding the materials.

    THURSDAY, 409-410

    1. The definition of three characteristics of a good test
     Reliability is a test to measure the students’ ability in the classroom but it is affected by a number of factors which makes the test properly to apply.
     Validity is a test to measure mastery of specific skill or the content of a particular course of the study and it also use to measure foreign students’ mastery of English sentence structure.
     Practically is a test which use valid instrument but still beyond our means or facilities, the test is also has a highly reliable.

    2. To establish an efficient testing program:
    a. Specifying the aim of the test
    b. Prepare the types of the test that will be given to students
    c. Constructing the test from the easiest until the difficult
    d. Making the scoring system to students based on their work

  78. NAME : Bayu Dwi P.A.P
    NIM : 2201409017
    ROMBEL : 3. 411-412

    1.- validity : The quality of the test which have correlation with the material. So the purpose of the test (to measure the ability of the students based on some specific terms) can be reached. The test must have the definite correct answer, so it can help the correction and scoring process.
    - reliability : The quality of the test which have consistency and stability in measuring the students ability. It means, if the test is being retested, the average score is usually constant.
    - practicality : The quality of the test which have effectiveness and eficiency in the practice, so it can be used several time.

    2.First, the teacher should define the course objective, included long-range and short-range goals. Then, the teacher must compare the structure of the test with the syllabus or the taxonomy for a specific abillity/ objective. For the next, the teacher should make or construct the test. After that, the teacher should provide the correct answer and scoring methods.

  79. Nurul Saofa Aulia
    Thursday 407-408
    Good test must has three characteristics, such as validity, reliability and practicality. Validity means a truth of a test which has function to measure specific skill. In here validity shows that the test which is held must has similar material which the teacher ever give to students. If the teacher wants to know how far the students’ understanding about a material, for example speaking skill, the test must consist of speaking material. The second characteristic is reliability. Reliability means consistency scoring of the test. Although the test is held for several times, the score will be same. The teacher must keep her or his consistency in giving score and be honest to give score whether her or his students’ score are bad. Reliability does not only for the teacher, but the test also has reliability material. The last characteristic is practicality. Practicality means that the test must be appropriate to educational environment. The test has to be an effective and efficient test. So the test can be paid attention to condition of its surrounding. So the test can be real given by the teacher to his or students.
    In order to get effective testing, the teacher must prepare the test well. In preparing the effective test, I divided some points which have to the teacher do. First is preparing before the test. Before the test is held, the teacher has to make syllabus and lesson plan which is suitable with the curriculum. Beside that, the teacher also has to give material as clear as he can in order to make the students understand. The second preparing test is the teacher has to make a test which has validity, reliability and practicality. In addition, the teacher must choose the type of the test which will be used. The last preparing test is scoring part. The teacher must know how to give score or asses her or his students test.

  80. Name : Drajad Dwi P.
    NIM : 2201409125
    Thursday at 17.00

    1. Validity, reliability and practicality?
    Reliability, validity and practicality are important things that we have concern it before we make a good test. In my opinion that a good test if the test given appropriate with the test taker ability, so the result that we get from the test taker will appropriate as we want and there is no long tendency for each result (reliability). And the second, we have to decide the test valid or not for the test taker. We have to know the standardize. For example, test for senior high school should not be given to the junior high school. In the other case if we want to test speaking, so we have to focus our test on the speaking aspects, not the writing or listening aspects and so on. And another important thing that we have to concern to make a good test is practicality. By practicality, it will make both the test taker or the tester easily to do the test. So the test become effective and efficient. So, we have to cosider reliability, validity and practicality as well before we make a good test.

    2. How the teacher should do to establish an efficient testing program?
    In my opinion, to establish an efficient testing program, the teacher should prepare course objectives which consist of long range goals and short range goals in which that things will help us as a teacher to decide which material should be given first, midle, and the end. Beside that we have to matching the goals and item types. After that, we can construct a test. We use what type of the test and what type of test items and prepare the item file too. And then, we have to note that characters of a good test are reliability, validity and practicality.

  81. Nindita Irma Habsari
    Thursday 407- 408

    1. Characteristic of a good test :
    (a.)Validity : A test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure. This means that if a test is designed to measure examinees’ language ability, it should measure their language ability and nothing else. (b.)Reliability : The extent to which a test produces consistent scores at different administrations to the same or similar group of examinees A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost the constant , taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.(c.)Practicality : It refers to facilities available to test developers regarding both administration and scoring procedures of a test. As far as administration is concerned, test developers should be attentive to the possibilities of giving a test under reasonably acceptable conditions.

    2. What teacher must to do to establish an efficient testing program are :
    a.Reviewing the syllabus / curriculum
    b.Determining the purpose of preparation in conduct tests
    c.Select of materials and restrictions on materials that will be tested.
    d.Creating a grid test questions
    e.Determine the shape and type of test.
    f.Formulate specific instructional objectives of each part of the material.
    g.Determine the score.

  82. Nindita Irma Habsari
    Thursday 407- 408

    1. Characteristic of a good test :
    a.Validity : A test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure. This means that if a test is designed to measure examinees’ language ability, it should measure their language ability and nothing else.
    b.Reliability : The extent to which a test produces consistent scores at different administrations to the same or similar group of examinees A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the score average is almost the constant , taking into consideration that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length.
    c.Practicality : It refers to facilities available to test developers regarding both administration and scoring procedures of a test. As far as administration is concerned, test developers should be attentive to the possibilities of giving a test under reasonably acceptable conditions.

    2. What teacher must to do to establish an efficient testing program are :
    a.Reviewing the syllabus / curriculum
    b.Determining the purpose of preparation in conduct tests
    c.Select of materials and restrictions on materials that will be tested.
    d.Creating a grid test questions
    e.Determine the shape and type of test.
    f.Formulate specific instructional objectives of each part of the material.
    g.Determine the score.

  83. Martina Hyastika Ramadhani
    Thursday 409-410

    1. characteristics of good test :
    a. validity means the test must have a valid answer so the students won’t be confused, and the teacher must have a right answer and how to measure it.
    b. reliability means the consistency of the test score. A test is considered reliable if we get the same result repeatedly.
    c. practically means the test can be used several time.

    2. how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program
    a. the teacher should define the course objectives clearly
    b. make a lesson plan or syllabus.
    c. select the materials that will be tested.
    d. consider the score of the test

  84. Brastha Setya Riyantanto

    1.There are three main elements in a good test. There are validity, reliability, and practicality. The test is valid if it measures what is intended to be measured. The test is reliable if it consistently provides almost accurate measures at all times, with different students and or different testers. Practicality means the test must be well organized in advance in relation to the cost, time mangement, and scoring procedures.

    2.To establish the efficient of testing program teachers should do:

    a.Set up the goals
    b.Make the course objectives
    c.Know how to construct a test
    d.Decide what is the most appropriate test type to be used
    e.Know how to make scoring system

  85. Name : Anita Rizky K.
    Nim : 2201409001
    411 – 412

    1. There are 3 qualities of a good test
    a. Reliability = it means about the stability of test score and the reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable if we get the same result repeatedly.
    b. Validity = The ability of a test to measure what is purports to measure or degree to which a test procedure accurately measures what it was designed to measure.
    c. Practicality = it means that practicality in a test refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.

    2.My critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program is the teachers should define the course objectively ,  the teacher should understand how to construct the test, and then planning the scoring system.

    THURSDAY AT 15.00 PM

    1. Based on my critical thinking, there are 3 characteristics of good test and every characteristic has to be understood clearly by the teacher or the team of teachers who make that test. Those characteristics are:
    · Validity
    That test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure. for example if the test is used to measure the speaking skill so we should expect the test to based upon a careful analysis of that skill or an outline of the course.
    · Reliability
    It means that the question given in the test is constant during a long period of time. We can see on the example, when the teacher gives a test and in another time after that she/he also gives a retest for those students with the same test. If the results of the two administrations were highly correlated, we could assume that the test had stability/reliability.
    · Practicality.
    Practicality or usability means the test should be constructed in a logical way and the test can be used in several time. It means that the test should also consider about economy factor, ease of administration and scoring and the last is the ease of Interpretation.
    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program:
    •Define the clear course objectives
    •Constructing the test according to the curriculum
    •Making the scoring system

  87. Name : Anita Rizky K.
    Nim : 2201409001
    411 – 412

    1. There are 3 qualities of a good test
    a. Reliability = it means about the stability of test score and the reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable if we get the same result repeatedly.
    b. Validity = The ability of a test to measure what is purports to measure or degree to which a test procedure accurately measures what it was designed to measure.
    c. Practicality = it means that practicality in a test refers to a test that is not that charge with questions, if it too long or if it is too short, if it is easy to grade and appropriate for the student and it has the accrued grad for the student.

    2.My critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program is the teachers should define the course objectively ,  the teacher should understand how to construct the test, and then planning the scoring system.

    THURSDAY AT 15.00 PM

    1. Based on my critical thinking, there are 3 characteristics of good test and every characteristic has to be understood clearly by the teacher or the team of teachers who make that test. Those characteristics are:
    · Validity
    That test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure. for example if the test is used to measure the speaking skill so we should expect the test to based upon a careful analysis of that skill or an outline of the course.
    · Reliability
    It means that the question given in the test is constant during a long period of time. We can see on the example, when the teacher gives a test and in another time after that she/he also gives a retest for those students with the same test. If the results of the two administrations were highly correlated, we could assume that the test had stability/reliability.
    · Practicality.
    Practicality or usability means the test should be constructed in a logical way and the test can be used in several time. It means that the test should also consider about economy factor, ease of administration and scoring and the last is the ease of Interpretation.
    2. How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program:
    •Define the clear course objectives
    •Constructing the test according to the curriculum
    •Making the scoring system

  88. Annisa Ratna P.
    Thursday, 409-410

    1.There are three qualities of a good test, validity, reliablity, and practicality. The most important characteristic of a good test is validity. It means a test should measure precisely what object is being tested. If a test is not valid, even a reliable test can not be worth much.
    The second is reliability. A test as the measuring instrument can be trusted or relied on if the test measures stably and gives the consistent result. If a test produces almost constant scores at different circumstances to the same group, that test would be perfectly reliable.
    The last element is practicality or usability. An evaluation procedure must meet some practical requirements. Practicality refers to the facilities which are available to test administrators about both administration and scoring procedures of a test.
    Overall, any kind of test that we use must be suitable in terms of our goals, dependable in giving the valid evidences ,and applicable to our particular situation.

    2.Things that the teachers should do in establishing the efficient of testing program the teacher :
    a.Know the course objectives
    The first thing to do is teachers set up the goals. So the teachers focus on the objectives that will be reached. By setting the goals, teachers will provide a test that is appropriate with the objectives.
    b.Know the students’ ability
    Before making a test, teachers must know the students’ ability in order to teachers can evaluate the students’ comprehension without giving them too difficult test that is outside their understanding.
    c.Know how to construct the test
    After setting the objectives, teachers start to set when the test will be held (setting the test sequence), consider the course content, and write and prepare the test in a few days before the due date.
    d.Kind of test that will be used
    By knowing the students’ ability and the goals, teachers can choose what kind of test that is appropriate with the goals and can evaluate the students’understanding well.
    e.Know how to plan the scoring system
    Teachers should plan how to score the test. Scoring system must be fair and valid accordance with the test that is used. Teachers must provide in advance the correct answers.

  89. Annisa Ratna P.
    Thursday, 409-410

    1.There are three qualities of a good test, validity, reliablity, and practicality. The most important characteristic of a good test is validity. It means a test should measure precisely what object is being tested. If a test is not valid, even a reliable test can not be worth much.
    The second is reliability. A test as the measuring instrument can be trusted or relied on if the test measures stably and gives the consistent result. If a test produces almost constant scores at different circumstances to the same group, that test would be perfectly reliable.
    The last element is practicality or usability. An evaluation procedure must meet some practical requirements. Practicality refers to the facilities which are available to test administrators about both administration and scoring procedures of a test.
    Overall, any kind of test that we use must be suitable in terms of our goals, dependable in giving the valid evidences ,and applicable to our particular situation.

    2.Things that the teachers should do in establishing the efficient of testing program the teacher :
    a.Know the course objectives
    The first thing to do is teachers set up the goals. So the teachers focus on the objectives that will be reached. By setting the goals, teachers will provide a test that is appropriate with the objectives.
    b.Know the students’ ability
    Before making a test, teachers must know the students’ ability in order to teachers can evaluate the students’ comprehension without giving them too difficult test that is outside their understanding.
    c.Know how to construct the test
    After setting the objectives, teachers start to set when the test will be held (setting the test sequence), consider the course content, and write and prepare the test in a few days before the due date.
    d.Kind of test that will be used
    By knowing the students’ ability and the goals, teachers can choose what kind of test that is appropriate with the goals and can evaluate the students’understanding well.
    e.Know how to plan the scoring system
    Teachers should plan how to score the test. Scoring system must be fair and valid accordance with the test that is used. Teachers must provide in advance the correct answers.

  90. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  91. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  92. Nurul Saofa Aulia
    Thursday 407-408
    Good test must has three characteristics, such as validity, reliability and practicality. Validity means a truth of a test which has function to measure specific skill. In here validity shows that the test which is held must has similar material which the teacher ever give to students. If the teacher wants to know how far the students’ understanding about a material, for example speaking skill, the test must consist of speaking material. The second characteristic is reliability. Reliability means consistency scoring of the test. Although the test is held for several times, the score will be same. The teacher must keep her or his consistency in giving score and be honest to give score whether her or his students’ score are bad. Reliability does not only for the teacher, but the test also has reliability material. The last characteristic is practicality. Practicality means that the test must be appropriate to educational environment. The test has to be an effective and efficient test. So the test can be paid attention to condition of its surrounding. So the test can be real given by the teacher to his or students.
    In order to get effective testing, the teacher must prepare the test well. In preparing the effective test, I divided some points which have to the teacher do. First is preparing before the test. Before the test is held, the teacher has to make syllabus and lesson plan which is suitable with the curriculum. Beside that, the teacher also has to give material as clear as he can in order to make the students understand. The second preparing test is the teacher has to make a test which has validity, reliability and practicality. In addition, the teacher must choose the type of the test which will be used. The last preparing test is scoring part. The teacher must know how to give score or asses her or his students test.

  93. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  94. Thursday, 11-12
    Principles Language Testing
    1. All good tests possess three qualities: validity, reliability, and practicality. Test that we use must be appropriate in terms of our objectives, dependable in the evidence. It provides and applicable to our particular situation.
    A first characteristic of good test is reliability. By reliability is meant the stability of the scores. Reliability refers purely and simply to the precision with which the test measures. It means that we as teachers should be able to make reliable test and also in scoring.
    A second characteristic of good test is validity. The best way to check on the actual effectiveness of a test is to determine how test score are related to some independent, outside criterion such as marks given at the end of a course or supervisors’ ratings.
    A third characteristic of a good test is its practicality or usability that means the test can be used in several time. Preparation of a new test or the adoption of an existing one, we must keep in mind a number of very practical considerations.

    2. Chapter two “Preparing the Classroom Test” provides suggestions for the establishment of an efficient testing program.
    In my opinion, before determining a testing program for a specific course and before setting out to teach course, the teacher should clearly envision the course objectives.
    Test construction consists of translating these general statements into specific test and quizzes.

    2201409006 (409-410)
    RELIABILITY means that the tests should be scored or measured constantly.
    VALIDITY means that the tests should represent the whole material.
    PRACTICALITY means that the tests should can be used in several times.
    In constructing a good tests, the teacher should do some preparations, those are:
    - Setting The Test Sequence
    - Outlining the Course Content
    - Writing The Items
    - Planning The Scoring System

  96. Zakiya Fitriani
    2201409024 (409-410)
    By reliability is meant the stability of test scores. A test cannot measure anything well unless it measures consistently.
    We should expect the test makers to be able to provide us with information about the specific materials or skills being tested.
    A test may be a highly reliable and valid instrument but still be beyond our means or facilities.
    The construction consists of translating these general statements into tests and quizzes.
    - Setting The Test Sequence
    - Outlining the Course Content
    - Writing The Items
    - Planning The Scoring System

  97. Dilla Silviana Anggi Putri
    Rombel: 2, Thursday (407-408)
    1. Reliability is the stability of the best scores. A good test must be consistent over time and also can be measured consistently. A test is considered reliable if it is always consistent even if it is repeated on different occasions and forms.
    Validity is a measure of test’s usefulness. If there is sufficient evidence that scores correlate with actual ability in the skills area being tested, we can assume that the test is valid or for our purposes.
    Practicality: it means that a good test must be practical and usable or easy to be used. There are 3 aspects of practicality: (1) Economy: a good test must be economical in money and time. (2) Ease of administration and scoring: when large numbers of examines are involved, we need to know whether the test must be scored subjectively or is objective in nature. (3) Ease of interpretation: if a standard test is being adopted, it is important that we examine n take into account the data which the publisher provides. We also should develop local norms of our own.

    2. When a teacher wants to establish an efficient testing program, he/she must:
    1. Make course objective.
    It can be done by long-range goals or short-range performance objectives or etc.
    2. Construct the test
    The teacher must set the test sequence, make outline of the course content, write the items, and make planing about the scoring system.

  98. Dwi Septyanto
    2201407186 Thursday 17.00(411-412)

    validity : A test considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure.
    Content validity : the test accurately reflects the syllabus/skills on which it is based.
    Face validity: the test looks a good or not, *the quality of the paper or ink..
    Empirical validity : *still confuse with this one ^^

    reliability : A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and the average score is almost constant. For example, a student will get the same mark if he or she takes the test, possibly with a different examiner, on a Monday morning or a Tuesday afternoon.

    Practicality : Economical ; number of copy, number of scorer or used media, and the time & room for the test and scoring, should not cost too much.

    2. preparing classroom test.
    Firstly, decide what to assess, provide the objective of the test, and then deciding how much emphasis to place on each objective. The test item contains an estimate of the percentage of the test to be allocated to each topic at each level.
    after that, use blooms taxonomy to determine the types of questions that are appropriate. Then we decide how many questions are needed, The number of questions and the types used, afect the amount of time needed for completion of the test.

    ROMBEL : THURSDAY, 409-410

    3 qualities of a good test :

    1. Validity
    validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure . in validity, the test will be measured whether the test covers all of the content and form of the material. For example if a test is designed to measure students’ language ability, it should measure their language ability.

    2. Reliability
    The consisteny of the test score in which the test given at different examination to the same group of examinees.
    For example the 100 item test was given to student A and B. A got 85 and b got 50. And then 2 days later, those students administrated the same content of the test. Both of them got 70. It means there must be something wrong with te test, because in a very short period of time, it is possible for B to got 70 at the same test. It means that the test has no reliability.

    3. Practicality
    Practicality refers to the facilities which have to be prepared by test administrator including administration and scoring. For example if the test administrator would like to give a speaking test through presentation, facilities such as LCD, Laptop, and suitable room have to be available. The other important thing which has to be prepared is the scoring. It has to be considered how the test would be scored, also how long the scoring would take place.

    Preparing the classroom test :

    1. Setting the test sequence
    The teacher will firstly indicate the dates for the term and midterm test, also indicate the number of units or chapter to be covered.

    2. Outlining the course content
    Before construct the test, makesure that teacher have checked all of the material which will be tested. For example vocabulary and grammar. List vocabularies and pattern which were given to the students to be the material of the test

    3. Writing the items
    The test should be written a few days before it is tobe administrated.

    4. Planning the scoring system
    • Add up the number points on the test.
    • Check the content of the test itemsagainst the outline of material covered in class
    • Take the test yourself, writing out all the responses
    • As you write the answers, check to see that the correct answer have not been accidentally used in another part of the test
    • As you take the test, try to determine whether an item might have more than one correct answer.

    5. Test construction in multisection courses
    • Rotation of responsibility
    • Small committee
    • One examiner with released time

  100. Adam Ismail (2201409015)
    Thursday, 07-08

    Principal of Language Testing

    1. Mention your name, your class or rombel (write the time of your class), then write your critical comment or definition about each of the characteristics.

    There are 3 characteristics of good test. Validity, Reliability and Practicality.
    Validity means that test should be valid according to the curriculum. Valid test will never out of the context.
    Reliability means that test must provides almost accurate measures at all times whether it is given for different students and or from different testers.
    Practicality means that the test should be able to be used for several times.

    2. Mention your name, your class or rombel, then write your critical comment about how the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program.

    To establish an efficient testing program, firstly teacher should understand the whole curriculum appropriate with the class. After that the teacher must know the goal and the capability of the students towards the material. After that, teacher organize a series of testing program based on the time given (a semester/ month, etc). Then the teacher can do what it takes to make tests (how to construct a test, what is the most appropriate test type to be used, and know how to make scoring system)

  101. Ratna Widya Iswara
    Rombel 409-410

    1. Reliability means the stability of test scores. It concerns to the consistency with which test performances are evaluated. Scorer reliability is nearly perfect in the case of multiple-choice tests, but rather difficult to be used in free-response tests, like compositions. Reliability can be increased by lengthening the test, poviding the additional material which is similar in quality and difficulty to the original, or revising and choosing another test type. High reliability is very important in the preparation or adoption of an educational measure.
    Validity includes two, content validity = if the analysis accords with the skills area and then reflects such an analysis. And empirical validity = if the evidence shows that there is a high correlation between test score and a trustworthy external criterion
    Practicality : A good test should be conducted well, so firstly we have to select an instrument which is sufficient length to yield dependable and meaningful and also fit comfortbaly into the time that can be made available for testing.

    2. In preparing the classroom test, a teacher should clearly envision the course objectives. The teacher will be sure that the teaching will be rationally oriented and that the test will indicate how close each student has come to attaining the objectives. Long-range goals is to enable the students to use the new language for communication, for example to enjoy movie or literature. Short-range goals is precise description of what students should be able to do as the result of a particular sequence of instruction.

  102. Ma'am, I've posted my critical comment, but it always disappears.... (Dilla Silviana /407-408)


    a. reliability is the stadiness of test scores, a test can't measure anithing well unless it measures consistently
    b. validity means the answer of the test shold have a relation with the material.
    c. practicality means beside giving a written test teacher should give a practical test, this test can be used several times.

    teacher give a material.
    teacher give a test and the material should appopriate with syllabus.
    teacher know the ways to give a score.


    #Three qualities of a good test
    - Reliability is the stability of the test scores. The test should be consistent between one test to another. The teacher here should be reliable in scoring the test.
    - Validity is the appropriateness of the test. It means the test should be proper with what the teacher wants to measure of student’s skill. When the teacher is going to measure reading skill, the teacher must give a proper test related to reading skill.
    - Practicality means constructing the test should consider some aspects; there are economical aspect, ease of administration and scoring aspect, then, ease of interpretation aspect.

    #Establishing the efficient testing program
    Establishing the efficient testing program, the teacher should define the objective of the test first. And then, do some steps so that the test will be efficient:
    •Setting the test sequence such as daily test, midterm test or final test.
    •Outlining the content of the course
    •Writing the items
    •Planning the scoring system
    •Constructing test in multi-section course

  105. rahma yunita

    . Practicality
    A good test is practical in terms of financial limitations, time constraints, ease of administration, and scoring and interpretation.
    . Reliability
    A reliable test is consistent and dependable.
    . Validity
    Validity is the degree to which the test actually measures what is intended to measure.


    before preparing the classroom yest, the teacher have to explain the materials before clearly consider their syllabus. After that, the teachers pay attention during their lesson to their students to know how far the students understanding the materials.

  106. Aditya Rizkiyanto

    1. Validity : The test that given by the teacher must be accurately on the point of the test that will be scored. For example when the teacher gives writing test to the students, it must be contain the material that had been given by the teacher. So, it is easier for the students to answer the test and also make the scoring easier.
    Reliability : The test that given must be consistent. It means that the result of the test must be same for all class that will be tested. It is make easier for scoring the test.
    Practicality : The test can be used several time. It means when the teacher gives it, the teacher have to think about the economic side, ease of scoring and interpretation.

    2. There are several factors in making good and efficient testing program.
    - The goals of the test
    - The material that will be tested
    - Student's ability
    - The scoring system
    In my opinion this factors are very important for the teacher before giving the test. It must be observanced by the teacher in order to reach the good and efficient testing.

  107. Name : Dilla Silviana Anggi Putri
    NIM : 2201409082
    Rombel: 2 (407-408)

    First Assignment :Characteristics of a Good Test
    Reliability is the stability of test scores. A good test must be consistent over time and also must be measured consistently.
    Two somewhat different types of consistency or reliability are: reliability of the test itself and reliability of the scoring of the test.
    A test is considered reliable if it is always consistent even if it is repeated on different occasions and forms.
    Validity is a measure of test's usefulness.
    If there is sufficient evidence that test scores correlate fairly highly with actual ability in the skills area being tested, we can assume that the test is valid for our purposes.
    It means that a good test must be practical and usable or easy to be used.

    Second Assignment : Establishing efficient testing program

    When a teacher wants to establish an efficient testing program, he/she must:
    1. Make course objective.
    It can be done by long-range goals or short-range performance objectives or etc.
    2. Construct the test
    The teacher must set the test sequence, make outline of the course content, write the items, and make planing about the scoring system.

  108. Suksesy Asagung

    1. Validity means the test must be appropriate with the skill that want to be measured.

    Reliability is the stability of test scores. A test cannot measure anything well unless it measures consistently.

    Practicality means that the test can be used several time or at least it can be such a reference to make a new one.

    - Decide the goal and the outlines.
    - Decide the types of test to be used. observe the ability of their students in receiving their materials.
    - Understand enough to know the way to give score in the test.

  109. Eva Agusti Purnarini

    1.Reliability talks about the constancy of the scores of the test. If the test is tested several times, the difference range of the scores is not very long.
    Validity: the test should tests what should be test. It is should be based on the curriculum and valid in content.
    Practically: the test can be used several times.

    2.How the teachers should do to establish an efficient testing program:
    •The teachers should follow the curriculum
    •Considering the student’s capability
    •Form of the test
    •Time allocation
    •Considering the assessment techniques

  110. Yosie Syahfitra A

    - reliability
    it means that the test have stability in scoring. it can measure accurately at all the times.

    - validity
    the test must be valid too. it means that the test is accountable and the answer comes from trusted source, so the students still have the opportunities in making a good score and they will believe that the test is appropriate for them to answer.

    - practicality

    good test should well organized. the test must considered with the economical, the used of media, and the cost. so, there is no serious problem when we held this test for the students.

    2. how to establish efficient test program
    - make the goal of the test
    - mention the course objectives
    - mention the kind of the test
    - mention the characteristics of good test
    - mention the scoring of the test
    - mention students capability in mastering the course
